2 مورد یافت شد

اطلاعیه انتشار شماره December 2024 نشریه TIPS


tips.sums.ac.ir/ منتشر شده است: The Importance of Good Role Models in Different Careers Investigation of the physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetics of the active compounds in Quercus infectoria gall extract The dipeptide carnosine alleviates...

03/11/23 13:21

اطلاعیه انتشار شماره September 2024 نشریه TIPS


tips.sums.ac.ir/ منتشر شده است: Hypertension Diagnosis and Management: New findings from the recent guidelines Emerging technology trends in regulatory approvals of cancer immunotherapy drugs by the FDA and EMA Preparation and Evaluation of Carbamazepine...

03/08/26 12:28

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